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Ride in hot air balloon

Balloon ride over Tyrol

A balloon flight over the Kaiserwinkl offers wonderful views of the Kaiser Mountains and the adjacent Bavarian Alps – whether in winter or in summer. Did you know that winter is the best season for a hot air balloon ride? The air is clear and the temperature difference between the balloon and the atmosphere makes the balloon rise more easily. Since you are flying at wind speed, you will not feel any unpleasant wind.

You can take a ride during the annual ballooning week Kaiserwinkl Alpin Ballooning or all year round directly at ABE Ballonevents. Or buy a voucher – the perfect idea for a gift.

Irmgard Moser - ABE Balloon Events
Bundesstrasse 51, A-8630 St. Sebastian


Costs & Kaiserwinkl Card advantage

10 % discount on an alpine balloon ride, instead of € 340,- with the Kaiserwinkl-Card € 310,- (70 min. riding duration or a long alpine balloon ride with a 90. min. riding duration)

Balloon ride

Frequently asked questions F.A.Q.

How long does a balloon ride last?
One balloon ride lasts about 90 min, total time about 3 – 4 hours.

What to wear?
Light, sporty clothes suitable for the season, sturdy & flat shoes, gloves, headgear.

How cold is it in the balloon?
It is warmer in the balloon than on the ground because of the combustion heat.

Do I have to be afraid of heights?
Experience from hundreds of balloon rides shows: there is practically never any fear of heights in a balloon. The reason for this is probably the leisurely speed and the absence of "perspective distortion", i.e. the tapering edges of buildings that signal to your brain when looking down that you are dangerously high above the ground. It feels more like watching a really cool 3D movie.

How heavy may one be?
The average weight is 80/90 kg, heavier persons must notify in time.

Can children ride with us?
Children must be at least 10 years old, with a height of 130 cm, there is no upper limit.

Are pregnant women and people with disabilities allowed?
Pregnant women (max. 5 months) only in calm conditions, people with disabilities are, on request, allowed at any time.

When is ballooning possible?
Possible all year round, start time depends on the seasons – spring/summer early morning 05:00 / autumn 07:00 / winter 09:00.

How is the balloon flown?
A balloon is a non-controllable aircraft, we use the different air currents/wind directions to plan our flight.

Why does a balloon "fly"?
Because the balloon is lighter than the surrounding air mass, that's why we sail the sea of air.

How high does a balloon go?
In the Alps, the balloons usually fly at an altitude of 2000 – 3000 m, in winter even higher.

Is one insured as a passenger?
Every passenger is insured according to the law.

More for flying lovers

Kaiserwinkl Alpin Ballooning

In January, about 50 balloon teams from 5 nations, shape the sky in the Kaiserwinkl, to a colorful sea of balloons in the Kaiserwinkl Alpin Ballooning.