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A power place in Kaiserwinkl

The Four Elements Path

Water, fire, earth and air are not only the elemental forces of our planet, but also the theme of the art trail on Mount Kalvarienberg in Walchsee. Extraordinary sculptures, matching pictures and meditative texts on the four elements make this two-kilometer-long, easy circular hiking trail a very special experience. Opened for the first time 11 years ago, this now is the third version of this trail. The peaceful atmosphere and wonderful views of the lake and the village invite you to pause and recharge your batteries.

Let nature have its effect on you and draw new energy from the balance between rest and movement.
The start of the trail is at Mount Kalvarienweg behind the hotel "Das Walchsee".

Note: The trail is not to be hiked with dogs.

Hiking tours in Kaiserwinkl

Im Kaiserwinkl findet ihr tolle Wanderungen oder Mehrtagestouren zu Hütten und Gipfeln. Alle mit Beschreibung, Höhenprofil, Dauer und Bildern. Plant los!