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Protection against cancellation fees and other costs

Travel insurance

Unfortunately, there are a number of unforeseeable events that might keep you from taking an already booked vacation. But luckily there are ways to provide for this risk:
Travel insurance saves trouble and money! Regardless of whether you have to end your vacation early or are unable to arrive at all due to illness – the insurance cover will guard you against any financial disadvantage.

company logo of the Europaeische Reiseversicherung

Europaeische Reiseversicherung (European traval insurance)

European Travel Insurance

We recommend the Europäische Reiseversicherung (European travel insurance). It offers two models:

Hotel Cancellation Plus
In addition to cancellation protection, this insurance offers assistance and support in case of trip curtailment, delayed arrival, involuntary extension and search and rescue operations in the mountains (including helicopter rescue).

Hotel Cancellation Premium
This insurance covers an even wider range of complications such as extended reasons for cancellation (sudden, severe illness of a family member, termination of employment), trip interruption delayed arrival, involuntary prolongation of your stay, search and rescue as well as benefits following an accident (including transport to hospital, costs of initial medical treatment, transport home or additional return travel costs, vehicle retrieval).


You can also directly purchase travel insurance during each online booking on our website or click on the link provided in your reservation confirmation.
Please note that for a valid insurance cover the closing of the insurance contract must take place no later than three work days after booking. If the insurance is taken out after this date, a waiting period of 10 days applies. Only events that occur after this period will be covered by the insurance (excluding accident, death or Acts of God).

Please check the Europäische Reiseversicherung website for further information!

Insurable reasons for cancellation

  • Sudden onset of serious illness
  • Accident or death of the insured person or a family member
  • Property damage
  • Job loss through no fault of the employee
  • Conscription to basic military or civilian service
  • Filing a divorce suit
  • Failure to pass the a-levels
  • Court summons