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Across the stunning Kaiserwinkl

Snowshoe and winter hiking

The deeply snow-covered landscape invites you to unforgettable winter hikes in the sunny valley basin of the Kaiserwinkl or to rustic alpine cabins. Enjoy the impressive mountain scenery of the Zahmen and Wilder Kaiser and experience winter from its most beautiful side!

To that you can start your excursions under the best conditions, we have prepared and signposted To start you off on the right foot we have prepared and signposted about 80 km of winter hiking trails for you. And if you would like to discover winter off the beaten track, you should definitely try snowshoeing.


in the Kaiserwinkl

Hiking adventures

Kaiserwinkl_Winterbilder_ (98)

Winter landscape

Village hikes through Kössen or Walchsee

Are you interested in history, economy, agriculture and tourism and would like to learn many interesting details about the development of your holiday destination? Then why not take part in one of our village tours and learn everything you need to know about Kössen or Walchsee and also get valuable tips on hiking and walking opportunities.

Every Monday from January at 10:00 AM
Meeting point: Information office Kössen
Registration required, free with Kaiserwinkl Card

Every Tuesday from January at 10:00 AM
Meeting point: Information office Walchsee
Registration required, free with Kaiserwinkl Card


People hiking through the night with lanterns

Mystical night hike with lanterns

We meet after dark, light the candles of our lanterns and walk on cleared winter footpaths to Calvary. At first the lights of the village shine stronger, then they become smaller and smaller. Finally we disappear into the dense forest and only the light of our lanterns shows the way. Now is the right time for legends from the Kaiserwinkl – like the story of the treasure cave of the Entenloch or of the Totenkirchl in the Wilder Kaiser. Sounds exciting? Then our mystical night hikes are just the thing for you! Enjoy the exciting mix of idyllic night hike and exciting stories by candlelight and look forward to one and a half hours of unforgettable entertainment.

Mondays, 5:00 PM
For young & old (from 5 years)
Please remember warm winter clothing and sturdy shoes!
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Meeting point Infobüro Kössen: will follow for 2024
Meeting point Infobüro Walchsee: will follow for 2024
Registration required by phone +43 50 11 00 or at the information office in Kössen or Walchsee, by 12:00 noon on the day of the hike at the latest.
Free with Kaiserwinkl Card guest card!


Group of four people snowshoe hiking on a mountain slope

Geführte Winterwanderungen

Our Kaiserwinkl hiking guides will show you the beautiful surroundings of the Kaiserwinkl in 4 – 6 hours and also give you interesting insights into the region. Depending on the snow conditions, you can stop for a bite to eat together after the hike.

Dates for 2024 follow
Duration: approx. 4 – 6 hours
Meeting point: 09:00 AM, Information office Kössen or Walchsee
Registration required by phone +43 50 11 00 or at the information office in Kössen or Walchsee, by 04:00 PM the day before at the latest.
Price with Kaiserwinkl Card: € 4.00

Kaiserwinkl hiking guides

Kalkhauser Manuela

+43(0)664/531 713 3


Nothegger Thomas



Scharnagl Andi

+43(0)676/838 535 82


Schermer Maria

+43(0)676/838 534 88


Schwentner Andi

+43(0)664/256 025 6


Mühlberger Stefan

+43(0)676/848 536 100


Tips for your winter hike

  • Dress warmly: It is best to wear several layers, take a change of clothes and remember hats and gloves.
  • Waterproof and breathable shoes: We recommend mountain boots or winter boots with good grip.
  • Food and drink: Pack enough water and a tasty snack – or plan a stop in one of our cosy alpine cabins.
  • Poles: Although it may take some getting used to, walking poles provide better stability in deeper snow and make it easier for you to move forward.

Safety instructions

  • Find out about the weather and avalanche situation before you start your tour (either by calling +43 512 508 802255 or avalanche.tirol
  • Everyone is responsible for assessing the alpine danger on snowshoe and hiking tours for themselves – assess your abilities realistically and adhere to prevailing rules
  • Be considerate of the local flora and fauna – do not enter protected and quiet areas, avoid unnecessary noise and take care of the proper disposal of rubbish.
  • Cross forests only on the approved routes and do not enter any reforestation areas.
  • Please be also aware of the general advice on mountain safety

Further winter activities